Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Snow day!!

So today me and tan decided to cut classs today
4th period math we decided were gonna cut it from now on
because my jem doll told me it was a waste of time 
so we dicided to go over her bf brandons house
 so like we got there it was a long walk you know 
and so we get there and we come in and we see he got some cocaine for us
so we were like ohmygod lets do some 
and we were like deciding how much to do and to save for later ,
well i guess we did need 4th period math after all!
well it turned out we heard these noises from up stairs 
like banging and stuff
well brandon o.d-ed on something
looks like he needs 4th period math too! hahahaha 
have a good fun day see you in 4th period math!
 time to call the medics!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Method! 1

like remember when i like failed a class
well i have a system to get your awful grades from an f to maybe even a C!
just follow my awesome steps and figure it out!

 F.just be like a total skank and not do anything in classs duh!!

D.like you gotta wear you red pumps to school the day of the test and like dangle them off your toes you know, like aldo wear you glitter gqal socks for an effect so your teacher will see them

 C.try and give him a kiss like i know you can do it make sure to do it after class though you best friends might get jealous your getting good grades for nothing!!

B. this one may be harder if you have up tight parents like mine, But try and invite your teacher over for a tutor session and wear you lacey skirt for east lifting, you may not study who discovered america but you will discover something else! 

A. now this one is the hardest to do, you want to do what you did for "B"
but you like gotta do it a little more instead. like just make sure you take your carebears off your bed for this because things might get bloody, first thing you of course want to sleep with him and make sure he stays a bit after because this is were it gets bloody now make sure you naked because you gonna need to get you like pen or something and jab it inot his heart right, then your gonna want to take his blood and draw a pentagram on his back or something so you can summon the devil and once satan appears before you you you have you offer mr. alaponty 's heart as a gift to satan, and satan will take the form of your teacher and will automatically give you an a for your class! 
isnt that simple now go try some out! 
there super fun and east for any girl! 
i know if ican do it you can too like byeeee!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Report card

I really doubt my daddy knows what its like to be pretty popular and have great friends
its not like i can balance all that plus my all yogurt and blow diet,
like GEE-SUS daddy just becuase i failed math dosnt mean im like gonna like you know be dumb
like i need math where im going ha ill show him
oncei  become that famouse pop all singing sensation i will like write a book about like my childhood
and make like the mommy daddy dearest HA
that will show him 
but any way when i was at school today the craziest thing happened
me and tan you know have the same lunch and cindi has lunch b well so
we like went down the street to the burger king and got two of those you know those wierd little chicken things
well any was so we got some and liek ate them and of course threw them up after, DUH!
but so there we were we saw him douglas popin  bunker 
well if you dont know who he is hes only cindi'n on again of again bf well
there on again this week because she was so super horny 
iknow right you know i dont even have to say it!!
but so we told cindy and we foudn out he thought she was a tranny this whole time! 
wow you think you know a guy but you really dont.
it was crazy right! like ugh you would he he would have you know foudn out she was a lady after sex... unless you know 
well im guessing yeah thats how he never found out 
well i gotta go now like i gotta get ready to go over to globmeisters!
chat you later girls! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

John trailer $ my love

i remember the day like i went to the duran duran concery like it was the BEST tyme i had ever had!
i went with cindi and tan, we had a best best friend time!
ofci todder drove us and gave us that magic powder teehee!
but tan and me swear by it but johnny tailer looked and pointed at ME!
cindi was soo jealous so thats the only reaso nshe says he wasnt pointing at me but the skank behind us, haha so jealous haha but yeah anyway
we had down a bunch of blow and we wore out fav little glitter dresses so we woudl shine and a half.
but any way this is the photos ive collected of john he such a dreamy dreamer,
he played the best harpsichord and zapper i have ever heard!
like you wouldn't believe it was really him!
but i knew he played hungry hungry hungary jus for me
i just almost died haha ask tan she saw my fall back and lose my fav hairclip!
ugh i gotta go lay my self down my vagina is twinkling again! haha chat later girl bye!! 
oh what a night!

one day we will get married i know we will!

clack clack oh my

WOW i cant even believe
that new kinds on the block album is sooo gooodddd
like steps by click just every sogn was like a ride to the toy store and back
my favorite song would have to be "ice cream makes me fum"
it makes me soooo horny
like if you have the chance to get it i say bite it its so good 
like you know me and cindi were at the mall yesterday and she popped it in her cassette playerand we got wasted at the food court eatting our sbirroh's pizza
and almost got kicked out but my daddy know the guy who owns the mall so it was all 100
haha well i give it a star out of 45
ahha super!
good times!
get ready!

Saturday, March 21, 2015


I just got a date with the globmeister (such a hottie hottie)!!
wow i need ot get so ready right now!
here soem tips for a goof date night full of romance!

first off make sure your not wearing undies but if you do make sure there clear
2. bring a flask of vodka incase you go to burger king or wendys 
3. cocaine is fun
4.make sure you dumb little sister dosnt hang around you or you big fag brother! such a pain!
6. just have fun! nothing says fun like doing cocaine off the toilet of a fast food joint then getting the money the next stall over!

have fun and be good!

Fun time mood

woowoo girl


Sometimes i feel like you know 
you know when your heel comes off after a hard night workin the corner
on the la streets after your dad yelled at you for wearing your leather mini skirt and red aqua heels yeah i know that feeling,
i just dont know what to do
i mean its not like it was my favorite hairspray but it was nice for a windy day
i think i might do some blow and dance all night to feel better,

r.o.p air tight seal night hair spray.
you will be missed

Friday, March 20, 2015

Mood today,
you know what i have to do now
thank god they give free coat hangers with every clothing purchase at hudsons

Lets have a sleep over!


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hi everyone im here to stay!

Like Hiiiiieeeeeee~~~~ ❥ teehee

Im vuffy as you may know already! 
like im sooooo happy your here with us
so here im gonna like put up my life story and thoughts of the world over!
so like here you will see what its really like to be super rich and super coo!
i like to party, dance, eat, do cocaine wiht my boy toy scott todd sommers (we just call him todder) and just have fun!

so lets start off with a happy foot! and have fun, step step~~