Sunday, December 11, 2016

Holidai hollerin

so t oday i went to the mall to get some xxxmas shopping done
so liek there i was stepping into the forever 45 and omg do you know who i saw walk out of the dressign room>? it was that awful half brain dead exchange student from florida 
(yes florida americas first hell hole)
yeah so i saw her THAT rue gitano or as we call her DuMbing 
ok ok so there she was walking out right, and like i was like omg tan look look who it is 
wlaking out of dressing room 14 its rue... tan jst made this mumbling nnoise but wsho cares about what she has to say... we haaavveveveveve to do something we just have to turin her day 
see if you didnt know she tried to steal my bff of 16 years satan todd ambrose   
she tried to get him to pick her kuch in the gym after the dance 
so any way i was think on a plana hard long good plan thats soft on the lips 
so i got bored and hit her over the head with a cheap hand bag with a clump of a sweat shop workers hair caught in the zipper and hit her over the head with it, we ended up making her into an orange julius (i know people there and if you dont watch it )
 so after that i made a move on the boy behinde the counter of the drc republic and cut his peepee off and made it into an earring! lol best xmas present for me self its dripping but i don care ;) 
im used to it ;0

merry xxxmas (remember jerry)  and happi